Sunday, 29 June 2014

Down but not out!

WC 23 June 2014- Rehab

It been a bit of a roller coaster this week after coming off my bike. This week was supposed to be the beginning of my last block of training before my main race for the year in Bolton. Quick thank you to everyone who showed their concern and sent me messages they certainly helped pick me up and stay positive. Here's how last week panned out...

Monday 23rd June 

After a difficult nights sleep I woke up this morning and felt like I'd been run over by a bus. Basically my whole right hand side that took the brunt impact yesterday was swollen, worst of all my hip but my ankle and right shoulder are also in a pretty bad way. I'm a little concerned to be honest best case scenario I'm going to miss a week of build in this last short block which is frustrating as things have been going so well.

It was Annie's Birthday today (can't believe I have a seven year old daughter!) after spending the morning with her and watching her open her presents I slowly and painful made my way up to my sister in law's house in Bolton. My original plan was to have a swim in Pennington Flash (IM swim venue) but was reluctantly talked out of it because of the risk of infection due to the open cuts and road rash. Never the less we still had a drive down and it was useful to get a look at the swim start and get my bearings a little. Back home got some dinner and to bed.

Tuesday 24nd June

My original plan for today was to ride two loops of the IM course with some at race effort. This obviously changed and now just an easy ride to familiarise myself was all I was going to manage. Before hitting the bike course I managed to find my way onto the main stretch of road used for the run which was useful to see. Shortly after I found my way to the bike loop and introduced myself to 'Sheep house lane' which is a great climb. The rest of the ride was a little stop/start due to the discomfort but useful nonetheless. I finished off the ride with a second climb up Sheep house lane and made my way back.

Pm- My 90 min ramp run wasn't going to happen but I wanted to get out and try a little run. Very painful and I managed about 6min/k hobbling around the local reservoir. I know its still early days but I was absolutely gutted and starting going through worst case scenarios in my head.

Wednesday 25th June

Travelling back to London today no real opportunity to do anything. Probably for the best. Ankle swelling down, ROM in shoulder bit better, hip still very swollen, sore and very colourful!

Thursday 26th June

Buggy run first thing.  Hip very sore to start with but seemed to ease a little with time. Little bit more comfortable than Tuesdays attempt.

Pm- Lido Muscular endurance 10 x 400- aiming to come in on just under 6 mins going off 6.15 . I really wanted to get a full session done in the pool today. With my taper into Wimbleball, recovery week off the back and now this forced lay off its been a long while since I've done a solid ME swim set. This showed today with times slipping from 5.55's to begin with to 6.15's for the last few repeats :-/

Friday 27th June

Am- pre breakfast run before work (days). Hip was very painful to start with and I was quite obviously limping. It either eased off after 15 mins or I just got use to the discomfort. There is a progress here though I'm running awkwardly still but pleased to have got through an hour. I made an appointment and saw my doctor in the afternoon who's referred me to get an X-ray just to be on the cautious side

Saturday 28th June

On days again (work). I took Katie's advice and has a day off completely to try and let things settle so I can try and do a proper day of training tomorrow

Sunday 29th June

Am- Long bike (164k). I got up and out early to do my usual long hilly ride. My power meter batteries died after 20 mins so I don't have those numbers for comparison. Mostly felt comfortable though and HR seemed fine. Fitness is there but I think as with my swimming my ME has fallen a little. Time enough to sharpen this up. Pleased to have got this under my belt. My confidence on the bike has defiantly taken a knock though and I was riding very cautiously.

Pm- Run- 60mins 5-10sec/k faster than RP. This is the most encouraging run yet post crash. Significantly less painful and able to maintain a reasonable pace. HR up a little but I'm not concerned with that. I might just be back in the game :-) !!

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