Monday, 23 June 2014

W/C 16/06/14 Recovery > Build

Monday 16th June 

Rest :-)

Tuesday 17th June

Am- Recovery swim 3x400 3x300 3x200 3x100 as Pull/swim/fins. Felt tired in water today- expected

Pm- Recovery ride, relaxed easy effort all felt good.

Wednesday 18th June

Am Steady swim - Reintroducing some moderate effort work today. Had girls so was in stinky local indoor pool :-(

W/U 300 swim / 300 Pull
M/S 600 Mod 100 EZ Pull
2 x (400 mod / 100 EZ Pull)
2 x (300 mod / 100 EZ Pull)
C/D 200 EZ

Pm- Recovery run.
Just an easy jog in park. Everything seemed to feel good HR nice and low.

Thursday 19th June

Working today, I had planned an easy 45min turbo but just didn't happen today. 

Friday 20th June

Last day of recovery, good job as I feel like things are shutting down a bit post Wimbleball. I always find it hard to go again after a good race and can slip very easily into resting on my laurels. I need to keep last weekends race in my head as a training day. One more dive into the valley of fatigue to push that blue line as high as possible before Bolton.

Am- Treadmill run at work. 45mins moderate trying to wake the legs up a bit.

Saturday 21st June

Am- lido wetsuit. 1x1500(15) 1x1000(60) 5x400 off 6.30

First half of set went well. Unfortunately as soon as I hit the 400's a swim club took over three quarters of the pool, leaving just two lanes for everyone else to squeeze into. After the first 2 400's I almost sacked the session as the amount of stop starting I was doing and the number of kicks I received from the breast stroke gang was ridiculous. I talked myself into finishing the set though as getting back into the routine was more important than the actual set today. Times were a bit all over the place but general feeling that I was slipping as I made my way through the 400's. Not feeling great but job done.

Pm- Same 90min ramp run as usual. Hot one today and less than an hour after eating dinner as I needed to squeeze in before heading to work. Reasonably pleased with how it went all things considered.

Sunday 22nd June. 

Am- Long hilly ride.- Straight out after nights. Wasn't too bothered about pace or power today just wanted to bag another long ride to kick off my last block of training. Very hot one today and all was going fine until I hit a pot hole and went over the bars. I don't think there's any serious damage been done but wont know extent of damage for a couple of days. Trying to put a positive spin on things- could have been a lot worse or could have easily broken a wrist/ collarbone and could have been two weeks from now which would have really put me in a pickle. Bit of a pain as I'm travelling to Bolton tomorrow to recce IM course. Garmin didn't want to upload file so here it is on Strava.

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