Monday 09th June
Day off today after yesterday's big day. Actually feel fine little/no effects from yesterday's sessions
Tuesday 10th June
Pm- 2hr steady ride 3x 5mins at HIM effort
Not executed as planned but all felt fine. Ride ended up being short due to stop at bike shop to tweek a couple of things on my bike. Not much to see but here's file anyway...
Wednesday 11th June
On days today. I'd planned to get on the treadmill for 45 mins but being shipped out to another station and a 6 pump fire put an end to that idea :-( Not the end of the world but feel bit crappy having not got anything done today.
Thursday 12th June
Daddy day care today. 50 minute run with the buggy this morning 30 mins easy, 15 mins tempo (while friend watched girls- I didn't just leave the under a tree in the park!) 5 mins cool down. Nice little taper run, all felt good.
Pm- Quick simple set of 400/300/200/100 descending in the lido, itching to do more but time to bottle it up now.
Friday 13th June
Spent all morning and afternoon travelling to Wimbleball today. My good friend and fellow triathlete Bruno has come along for the weekend as support crew. Bloody long trip (c.5hrs) but arrived with enough time to get down a register and have a quick swim in the lake. Just an easy 1k to loosen up and cool down- Think its going to be a hot one this weekend. Back to accommodation for some food and in bed before 9pm
Saturday 14th June
We headed back down to the race site this morning. Kicked things off with another swim with a few pick ups. Jumped on bikes for a quick spin on the beginning of the bike course to check bike set up ( Race briefing. Racked bike and bags with quick transition walk through then back to digs for early evening meal followed by my usual pre race run- 10 mins easy 5mins RP 5mins easy.
Sunday 16th Jun - UK 70.3
Race day! Alarm was set for 4:30am but I'd woken up just before this. It had been a while since I'd experienced the unique atmosphere of a race morning breakfast- nothing is said but some much whizzing through the mind. I entered this race as a marker of fitness and to assess my chances for the up coming Ironman UK in July. If you know this race you'll know there's no hiding, it's as honest a course as you can get. Here's how the race panned out...
Having learnt my lesson from Vitruvian last year I set out quick (~400m pace) but not all out. I started out at the front and didn't experience too much hassle and had clear water before the first buoy at about 750m. I did find some feet a couple of times but at no point did I manage to just settle into any group. I'd planned to exit the water and hammer it up the long hill to T1. Figuring I'm not the fastest swimmer but could take back 30-40 seconds here being very 'swim fit' (i.e not overly fatigued at end of swim) This didn't go exactly go to plan, I think I was a couple of beats off a cardiac arrest running that hill and to make matter worse Eimear Mullen came skipping past me half way up :-/
The plan on the ride was to ride NP of 265-275w I tried as much as possible to not go above FTP and stay seated for the whole first lap of the bike. This pretty much went to plan and I ended the first lap feeling full of beans. I got info back from Bruno who was out on the course that I was in the second group (behind the big boys) as I headed out for the second lap. It was quite obvious that there was no way we'd be catching the first group of guys so there was no point burning matches going after them. Things broke up as we hit the climbing on the second lap and I came into T2 behind one of the pro guys (Danny Russell) who I'd decided would be my target on the run. The crew in transition were brilliant and by the time I'd got into the tent one of the girls had the contents of my run bag set out on the ground ready to go. Quick change and out. -
The first lap of the run I felt bloody awful and felt like my HR just wouldn't settle. I passed one guy on the first lap but the guy I'd come into transition with was gone (he ended up with 2nd fastest run split 1.17!) By the time I'd started the second loop I'd settled down a found a bit of a rhythm. On the out and back sections on the course I couldn't see anyone that I could catch or chase or anyone that would be chasing/catching me so unless the wheels were to come off (which I knew wouldn't be happening) this would be my finishing position. So it was just a case of keeping moving to the finish line. I'd had no idea of race time until I hit the finishing shoot. I'd had a good day in my head as being 4:45-4:50 so I was very happy to see I'd just duck under this with a long 4:44. -
My final position was 11th overall (2nd age grouper). I won my age group by 8mins. Next stop Bolton!

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